Due to above average rainfall over the past two years, Lake Casitas is nearly full. Upon reaching capacity, water will begin to travel over the concrete spillway into nearby Coyote Creek. The concrete spillway is specifically designed and engineered to safely direct water around the dam and into the creek below, in a controlled manner. Casitas Municipal Water District personnel estimate the spilling will occur before the end of April with flows ranging between 40-50 cubic feet per second. These flows are well below the spillways capacity and are not expected to produce problems for homes in the Community of Foster Park.

For more information, as well as current lake and reservoir levels, visit Casitas Municipal Water District.

For public affairs and media inquiries, contact Tyrone LaFay at or at (805) 649-2251 X 118.



On Monday, March 25, 2024, the Sheriff’s Office was advised by Caltrans of a new landslide that had occurred just South of the original slide adjacent to SR150. Sheriff’s personnel from the Fillmore station and Sheriff’s Emergency Services responded to the scene and ultimately issued an evacuation warning to 3 homes. Two Caltrans geologists had been on scene prior to the slide occurring and witnessed the event take place. A subsequent drone flight was completed by Sheriff’s Emergency Services confirming the reported conditions. This slide appears to be an expansion of the original slide and has resulted in more nested soil along the hillside.


 Evacuation Warnings have been issued to select residents along Ojai/Santa Paula Road near the new portion of the slide. 


 Highway 150 Closure

  • Highway 150 remains closed in both directions, from Stonegate Road in the City of Santa Paula to Thomas Aquinas College. 
  • It is anticipated the closure will remain in effect for several months. 
  • For updates from Caltrans on repair progress, visit State Route 150 Mudslide Recovery Plan | Caltrans